Your everyday mindfulness companion
Slowing down is a radical act in a world that demands productivity 24/7. The past two years have especially taught us that taking care of ourselves—by being present, by resting, by doing things that make us happy—is not a reward you need to earn, but a daily necessity.

We kept this in mind while designing the Dahan-dahan planner with Empath, a Filipino mental healthcare social enterprise. We had previously designed the Araw-araw planner a couple of years back for busybodies who want to pursue their passions. Dahan-dahan is her little sister—it's the same one-day-at-a-time spirit, but this time with a focus on mental wellness.
Spreads for taking care
Mindful goals tracker
Sometimes when progress is small it feels insignificant, but everything adds up. Set mental health goals and habits so you can pay more attention to these small wins and see just how much you've progressed throughout the year.

Self-care list
This page serves as your handy reference for activities to do when you're feeling overwhelmed. List down different relaxing tasks you can focus on within five, ten to twenty, or thirty or more minutes.

Mood tracker
Identifying patterns in your mood and checking in on yourself regularly can help you better manage your emotions. Take a moment at the end of the day to track your predominant mood.

Habit tracker
The things you do every day make up who you are. Jot down habits you want to practice and take note of days you were able to accomplish them.

Year in review
Close the year and prepare for the new one by documenting your learnings, celebrating your wins, and reflecting on the past twelve months.

Spreads for mindful planning

Undated monthly spreads
Every month has a theme to reflect on and an accompanying mindful activity—simply scan the QR code to access the printable template.

Undated weekly spreads
Our weekly layout gives you ample space to plan, journal, or doodle away. Each week includes a journaling prompt aligned with the month's theme.

Post card set
Each planner comes with a set of 12 illustrated post cards which have mindful activity templates on the back.

Start your everyday mindfulness journey with Dahan-dahan.